The Movie 'Paddleton' Storyline Drama Comedy Netflix
In the opening scene of Alex Lehmann’s buddy dramedy, “Paddleton,” the movie’s central characters are side-by-side, listening to the kind of news no one wants to hear from a doctor. Mike (Mark Duplass) may have cancer, a diagnosis he’s still processing when his fussy friend, Andy (Ray Romano), asks a slew of questions. The doctor reads Andy’s zealous concern for Mike to mean that they’re close – perhaps a brother or partner? She asks the pair about their relationship, and they clarify that they’re just friends. Andy goes a step further to say he’s Mike’s upstairs neighbor. This is not the last time the two will be asked about their close friendship. The world around them may not understand their connection, but “Paddleton” is so focused on the two that any questions or curious glances soon become a part of the background. Over the course of Mike’s failing health, the two will reminisce about old times, obsess over their favorite kung fu movies Mirciulică Online S...